Cosmos City Pavilion is an edutainment and innovation center dedicated to space, sustainability, human development and the future. It is a showcase for the larger cosmos city 2025 project and both are supported by an extensive multi-purpose online edutainment platform. The clients vision is to stimulate human development and transformation, allowing 1000 visitors a day to acquire a broad range of insights and skills, stimulating human interconnectedness through deepening our understanding of space, the cosmos, and our role in the universe. The pavilion is home to an immersive, interactive visitor experience which will use ground-breaking modern VR, AR and holograph technology to bring us on a transformational journey through time, space, and the cosmos, taking us from the big bang to simulations of great space cities and civilizations of the future. A cluster of individual pavilions interconnect, each one home to a chapter of the cosmos city visitor experience, allowing movement both physically and narratively within our concentric, circular layout which represents planet earth and infinite space.

Each unit is a neutral curvilinear zone devoid of distracting, refracting corners and angles, while the concave ceilings correspond with the overall geometric concept, each one based on a range of suspended shapes from triangular to hexagonal, an illuminated roofscape sending a cryptic, curious  message out into space. All matter on earth, in space, and in the known universe, is based on geometrical archetypes. We can find them everywhere both on the micro and macro level,  in the structure and dispersion of atoms and molecules, in nature, biology, chemistry, in art and architecture, from ancient tombstones to the planetary systems that swirl around the heavens. The physical world we touch, feel and perceive is based on mathematical principles - the golden ratio conducting a symphony played  by cubes, cones, spheres, and their lesser dimensioned cousins - squares, circles, pentagons and triangles.

Our design concept is to embrace these eternal, universal shapes and forms in order to connect our visitors with the equally eternal universal cosmos, creating a portal through which new knowledge and insight can freely flow. The showcase pavilion will use fully sustainably produced materials together with progressive, innovative construction and operational technologies. The compact, stand-alone pavilions ensure maximum flexibility and adaptability at any given site location as the configuration and number of pavilions can always be adjusted to accommodate future expansion of the visitor experience, renovation or other external requirements. To ensure a sustainable building process and to form a bond between diverse sites around the world, we will use 3D printing technology for construction, incorporating local soil and raw materials to make the project as localized as possible. By combining local materials, elements that reflect the history of the location, local cultural symbols, and building techniques of the future, we believe a unique beacon can be created for generations to come.

Aliya Grig & Gerard Michael Mac Carthy


Project Year:

Diagramm Architektur

Martino Hutz
Andras Peter Domokos